Multifunction Printers RFP
Louisiana > St. Charles Parish Public Schools
RFP: 12664067
Listing Information/Advertisement:

It is the intent of St. Charles Parish Public Schools to seek written proposals for multi-function printers & services which will be utilized throughout the district.

The district is interested in leasing equipment and purchasing services. Therefore, utilize the attached data sheets in order to develop your best proposal for the district’s usage and equipment options.

Creator Username: StCharlesITS
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 07-Mar-2013 7:47:00 AM CST
Ends: 02-Apr-2013 10:00:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 3339 Views, 7 Messages
Event Status: Expired since 02-Apr-2013 10:00:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
Discuss questions with the owner/creator of this Listing.
StCharlesITS on 13-Mar-2013 10:01:17 AM CDT
Regarding your current fleet of MFP’s, will they be traded in or will you guys have to return them to your current vendor? All current MFPs are under lease and will be returned to the vendor.
StCharlesITS on 13-Mar-2013 10:02:23 AM CDT
1. Do you want us to right size the fleet ? Based upon what we have looked over we have seen some units oversized and some undersized. Please see attachment on the 12 units we have uncovered . Answer: Yes, Please send in 2 RFPs one reflecting what we asked for and one reflecting how you think it should be configured. 2. The requested list of new copiers is 90 but the sheet reflecting units in operation now is 95? What is the difference? Answer: The list of copiers presently in use is 95 units. The RFP shows we are requesting 90 units. The following units are not being replaced at this time. 2 coin op machines one at Destrehan High School and one at Hahnville High School. 1unit from the Central Office Human Resource Dept. 1 855 unit from the District Copy Center and 1 283 from the Distribution Center. 3. Postscript Driver for any Macs. Do you want postscript driver included? Yes
StCharlesITS on 19-Mar-2013 8:15:35 AM CDT
1. Is it acceptable to have fewer machines in the copy center by having higher production units? Example instead of the four Toshiba's having two or more robust ones? Please see the Recommended Inventory section. We have already made adjustments to our current units based on use. I recommend submitting a proposal with the recommended inventory and then you can submit a different proposal with justification of the units you recommend. 2. In the lease do you want the maintenance added to it or do you want that separate? In other words, have the lease amount then the maintenance amount listed? The maintenance should be built in to the cost. 3. Canon owns and sells the oce line but on certain machines keeps the oce name on the unit. Is it ok to have a mixture of Canon and Oce machines quoted because they are the same company and canon just labels it differently. As long as the manufacturer is the same, it is ok to have them labeled differently. 4. What does this mean? Software licensing is required to fully utilized the mfp All printer drivers and any other software needed for managing the printers should be included in your cost.
StCharlesITS on 21-Mar-2013 1:29:50 PM CDT
1. On page 6, can you detail what an 8 hour consumable replacement means? This means you have 8 hours (one business day) to replace a consumable item. 2. On page 6 , does the break/fix time of 14 hours on the unit mean average response time or completion time? Completion Time 3. On page 6, 7am - 6pm workdays- I want to make sure if we will be able to gain entrance to all schools at 6pm. You should but if you don’t it will not be counted against you.
StCharlesITS on 21-Mar-2013 3:51:25 PM CDT
Vendor: I tried to log a question on the website however was not able to. I would like to know if you have a specific number of copies per month you want included in each of the 4 categories by stating a specific amount all vendors quotes will be the same. SCPPS: One of the criteria that will be evaluated is minimum annual cost which will be determined by the cost per copy and what each company decides to be the minimum amount of clicks allowed per year.
StCharlesITS on 25-Mar-2013 11:46:15 AM CDT
My question is, Is St Charles Parish Public Schools going to guarantee a monthly minimum volume for the fleet? It is not stated in the bid. Answer: see the annual cost on the cost sheet of the RFP
StCharlesITS on 25-Mar-2013 12:29:44 PM CDT
Vendor: In your response to the question that you received regarding the “right-sizing” of the fleet, you stated that a second response to the Request for Proposal would be acceptable. Does that mean that configurations other than the four that you have requested will be acceptable or does that mean that the “right-sizing” must use the four configurations defined in the RFP, just different quantities? If other configurations become acceptable, the concern is that comparing responses will become difficult, if not impossible. Answer: All configurations will be evaluated. If you need to submit more than one proposal please do so.
All updates/changes are listed below::
13-Mar-2013 10:02:51 AM CDT
13-Mar-2013 9:47:13 AM CDT
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