RFQ for architectural/engineering design and bid services
Mississippi > Columbia School District
RFQ: 12398694
Listing Information/Advertisement:

The Columbia School District is seeking informal Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for architectural/engineering design and bid services related to the following project:
To improve the indoor air quality within school facilities, the mechanical and non-mechanical systems—including the ventilation, filtering, purification, heating, and air conditioning systems—will be inspected, tested, maintained, cleaned, repaired, replaced, and upgraded as appropriate. In addition, windows and doors will be repaired and/or replaced.
The federally funded project is estimated not to exceed $2,100,000 and must be completed on or before September 30, 2023.
Please include the following information in your proposal:
-Qualifications any sub-contractors, not members of your firm, will be utilized as consultantintheprojectdescribedabove
involvement or experience with federally funded projects
contractual fee for services to design, bid, and coordinate the project described above 
The selected firm or individual will be required to provide proof of insurance, Form W-9 IRS Form, and certify other federal and state requirements upon execution of a contractual agreement.
The Columbia School Board of Trustees reserves the right to evaluate the qualifications and fee rates based on the proposal that is most advantageous to the Columbia School District. The Columbia School Board of Trustees also reserves the right to reject all Requests for Qualifications (RFQ).
For consideration by the Columbia School Board of Trustees, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) should be received by mail or hand delivery no later than May 20, 2021, by 1:00 p.m.

Creator Username: CSDLW
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 28-Apr-2021 3:30:00 PM CDT
Ends: 20-May-2021 1:00:00 PM CDT ( Expired )
History: 764 Views
Event Status: Expired since 20-May-2021 1:00:00 PM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
06-May-2021 8:44:26 AM CDT
Corrected closing date to be 5/20/21 by 1:00 p.m.