Mississippi > Hattiesburg Public School District
RFP: 11570427
Listing Information/Advertisement:

Sealed bids/proposals for Professional Educational Services 2024 will be received by Hattiesburg Public Schools at the district’s Central Office located at 301 Mamie Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 until 10:30 a.m., CST on Monday, May 20, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened.

Proposals submitted must comply with the specifications provided. Each bidder must provide one (1) original proposal and three (3) copies of the submitted sealed bid/proposal. Electronic bids can be submitted at  Although the bid proposal may be submitted electronically via Central Bidding, all bidders must ensure that four (4) printed copies of their proposals are received by Hattiesburg Public Schools by the Monday, May 20, 2024, 10:30 a.m., CST deadline or their proposals will not be considered. . For any questions relating to the electronic bidding process, please contact Central Bidding at 225-810-4814.

Specifications are on file at the Central Office.  You may also receive a copy of the complete bid/proposal and instructions by email by contacting  Edith Stallings at [email protected]. Hattiesburg Public Schools reserves the right to amend the specifications, as necessary, and agrees to notify all who have requested bid packets. 

The contract(s) will be awarded to the lowest and/or best bidder(s) to meet the needs of the district.  Hattiesburg Public Schools reserves the right to award the proposal or portions of the proposals to more than one vendor(s) and/or to compile an approved Bid 24-011 vendor(s) list utilizing the established proposal rubric. Hattiesburg Public Schools reserves the right to waive any and all informalities and to reject any and all bids. 

The following address should be used by all responding bidders for mailing or delivering the printed, sealed, and clearly label four (4) total copies of the of the submitted sealed bids/proposals:

Hattiesburg Public School District

Attn:  Edith Stallings, Accounting Supervisor

301 Mamie Street

Hattiesburg, MS  39401

Bids/proposal envelopes should be sealed and clearly marked “Professional Educational Services 2024 - Bid 24-011”.
/s/ Robert Williams

Superintendent of Education
To be published:    May 1, 2024

May 8, 2024
To be opened:        May 20, 2024

Creator Username: HPSDES
Bidding Privacy: Bid encryption
Started: 01-May-2024 12:00:00 AM CDT
Ends: 20-May-2024 10:30:00 AM CDT ( Expired )
History: 243 Views
Event Status: Expired since 20-May-2024 10:30:00 AM CDT
Actions: Sign-In to Bid

Visitors: Visitors/Central Bidding Plan Holders
All updates/changes are listed below::
15-May-2024 7:43:56 AM CDT
Addendum 1 Modifications