Agency |
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Bid opening date |
Jackson County |
2425-14 RFP Debris Removal Disposal Service
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS<br />JACKSON COUNTY<br /> <br />Proposals will be accepted by the Jackson County Board of County Commissioners at the Purchasing Office located at the Jackson County Administration building, 2864 Madison Street, Marianna, FL 32448 until 2:00 pm CST on Tuesday, May 01 2025 for the following project:<br /> <br />PROPOSAL NUMBER: 2425-14<br />PROPOSAL NAME: Debris Removal and Disposal Services<br />SUBMISSION DEADLINE: May 01 2025 by 2:00 pm CST<br /> <br />PROPOSAL OPENING: Proposals will be opened and recorded by the Purchasing Office of the Jackson County Board of County Commissioners located at 2864 MADISON STREET, Marianna, Florida 32448 on Thursday, May 01 2025 at 2:00pm, or shortly thereafter.<br /> <br />Specifications and official RFP Documents can be accessed online at Central Bidding ( For questions related to the electronic proposal process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814. Electronic Proposals may be submitted at Central Bidding ( Questions regarding the specifications or RFP should be directed to Tyler Schaeffer, Procurement Officer by email at
[email protected]<br /> <br />List of Proposer and awards (if any) shall be announced at a meeting of the Jackson County Board of County Commissioners. Proposal award will be made to the best proposers, but the right is reserved to reject any or all proposals.<br /> <br /> <br />Board of County Commissioners<br />By: Jamey Westbrook Clayton. O. Rooks <br /> BOARD CHAIRMAN CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT
27-Mar-2025 1:00:00 AM CDT |
01-May-2025 2:00:00 PM CDT |
St. Johns River Water Management District |
Geosynthetic Slope Stabilization – Lust Road at Lake Apopka North Shore
The objective of this project is to stabilize the south side slope of Lust Road located at Lake Apopka, using a geosynthetic stabilization product. Minimum specifications for the geosynthetic stabilization material are included. It is the responsibility of Contractor to properly size the geosynthetic material for this project, a 12-foot panel was used previously. Dimensions of the slope to be protected are shown on the Lust Road cross-section<br /><br />A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference (on-site) is scheduled for<br />April 8, 2025, at 11:00 AM, at:<br />SJRWMD-Apopka Field Station<br />25633 County Road 448A<br />Mount Dora, FL 32757<br />(Latitude: 28°43'12.11"N, Longitude: 81°40'15.53"W)<br />The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to view the project area and to<br />discuss the requirements of this solicitation. Participation is not<br />required.
25-Mar-2025 4:00:00 PM CDT |
25-Apr-2025 1:00:00 PM CDT |
City of Pensacola |
25-028 Trolley Transit Services
<div style="text-align: justify;">Contractor shall provide a minimum of one (1) primary and one (1) secondary trolley for the provision of City trolley services and shall operate upon the fixed routes provided by the city at a minimum of 1 day per week, maximum of 7 days per week, minimum of 4 hours per day and maximum of 12 hours per day. The routes, hours, and schedules shall be directed by the City Parking Director or her designee, according to ridership and the needs of the city, with the cost to the City being at the same hourly rate per vehicle per operating hour.</div>
25-Mar-2025 8:00:00 AM CDT |
23-Apr-2025 2:30:00 PM CDT |
St. Johns River Water Management District |
RFP 41027 Investment Management Services
The District is currently seeking proposals from qualified Investment Managers of demonstrated professional competence and experience to perform investment management services to supervise and direct the investments of the District. The District intends to select one management firm registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Investment Advisor’s Act of 1940 who will act in a fiduciary capacity for the District, providing investment management services described herein. Investment management services will be performed on a contract fee basis. The term of this contract will be three (3) years (October 1, 2025 – September 30, 2028). The contract may be renewed for two (2) 2-year terms with mutual written consent from both parties.<br /><br />The District’s current investment manager is Public Trust Advisors, LLC. The services were procured in 2020, and the final renewal term expires September 30, 2025.<br /><br />The District’s cash and investments were approximately $144 million as of September 30, 2024. Approximately $20 million of the funds are restricted and are outside the services to be provided by Respondent. Respondents are instructed that for the purposes of Request for Proposals, 41027, Respondent will base its Proposal on having $100 million available for investment purposes.<br />
24-Mar-2025 8:30:00 AM CDT |
23-Apr-2025 1:00:00 PM CDT |
City of Pensacola |
Three (3) Year Contract to Conduct Natural Gas Distribution System Locating Services for Pensacola Energy
As stated in specifications
19-Mar-2025 8:00:00 AM CDT |
21-Apr-2025 2:30:00 PM CDT |
St. Johns River Water Management District |
RFP 41084 - Information Technology Third-Party Hardware Support
The District seeks proposals from qualified individuals for the services of a third-party support vendor to provide hardware support for ageing infrastructure. The infrastructure requiring third-party support includes various models of switches, servers, tape libraries and storage arrays. For detailed information and specifications, refer to the Hardware to Support section of the Statement of Work (SOW) in the attached proposal package.<br /><br />
18-Mar-2025 2:30:00 PM CDT |
02-Apr-2025 1:00:00 PM CDT |
City of Pensacola |
25-027 Administration Services Consultant For Federally Funded Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), Rebuild Florida Hometown Revitalization Program Grant
The City of Pensacola is requesting sealed statements of interest and qualifications for two (2) Federally Funded Community Development Block Grants – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) programs, more specifically familiar with the CDBG-DR Rebuild Florida Hometown Revitalization Program from professional firms experienced in providing administration services.
12-Mar-2025 8:00:00 AM CDT |
10-Apr-2025 2:30:00 PM CDT |
City of Niceville |
RFP 25-02 Employee Benefits Consultant/Brokerage Services
Legal Notice to Proposers<br />RFP 25-02 Employee Benefits Consultant/Brokerage Services<br /><br />Notice is hereby given that the City of Niceville is soliciting proposals for Employee Benefits Consultant/Brokerage Services. Proposals will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. CST April 9th, 2025. Interested respondents desiring consideration shall submit their response online at the City’s e-Procurement portal, Central Bidding, through the link provided below.<br /> <br /><br /><br />Unless otherwise stipulated in the proposal description, all responses must be electronically submitted using Central Bidding only. No other means of submission of responses will be accepted. Responses will be accepted by Central Bidding until 3:00 p.m. CST April 9, 2025 at which time all proposals that are timely submitted will be opened and reviewed.<br /><br />The City of Niceville has established a solicitation silence policy (Cone of Silence) that prohibits oral and written communication regarding all formal solicitations for goods and services (ITB, RFP, ITQ, ITN, and RFQ) or other competitive solicitation between the Respondent (or its agents or representatives) or other entity with the potential for a financial interest in the award (or their respective agents or representatives) regarding such competitive solicitation, and any City of Niceville Council member, or City employee, selection committee member or other persons authorized to act on behalf of the City including the City’s Architect, Engineer or their sub-consultants, or anyone designated to provide a recommendation to award a particular contract, other than the Procurement Services Department Director or their appointed delegate. The period commences from the time of advertisement until contract award. Any violation of this policy shall be grounds to disqualify the Respondent from consideration during the selection process.<br /><br />For questions regarding this solicitation, please contact;<br /><br />James Walters<br />Purchasing Director<br />City of Niceville<br />850-279-6436, x 2001<br />
[email protected] <br /><br />To streamline its bid system and to enhance the integrity of its bid openings, the City of Niceville is switching to an online service with Central Bidding for competitive solicitations issued on or after December 1st ,2024. This will simplify the current process and enhance the transparency of all contracts administered by the City of Niceville. <br /><br />Current or potential City of Niceville vendors can join Central Bidding for free. Vendors not registered in Central Bidding are highly encouraged to register now. Vendors registered in Central Bidding will receive automatic email notifications for City of Niceville solicitations matching your goods or services, and you can submit bids or proposals electronically in Central Bidding. <br /><br />All Proposers are required to complete and submit the documents as required by the RFP. No proposals received after the time and date specified for the opening will be considered. <br />The City reserves the right to award to the firm submitting a responsive proposal with a resulting negotiated agreement that is most advantageous and in the best interest of the City of Niceville, and to waive any irregularity or technicality in proposals received. The City of Niceville shall be the sole judge of the resulting negotiated agreement that is in its best interest and its decision will be final.<br />
11-Mar-2025 5:00:00 PM CDT |
09-Apr-2025 3:00:00 PM CDT |
City of Pensacola |
Fuel Tanks Replacement Project
<div style="text-align: center;"><b>Bid No. 25-026</b><br /><b>FUEL TANK REPLACEMENT PROJECT</b><br /> <br /><b>Scope of Services</b></div> <br /> <br /><b><u>Equipment</u></b><ul> <li>Four (4) 12,000 gallon double-wall ASTs on saddles with standard openings and interstitial ports.</li> <li>Heavy duty exterior coating on tanks and saddles</li> <li>Installed manway, emergency, and working vents</li> <li>Submersible turbine pumps</li> <li>Remote fill boxes</li> <li>Clock gauges with alarms</li> <li>Veeder root gauging system with screen, printer, software, leak detection probes and float kits</li></ul> <br /><b><u>Service</u></b><ul> <li>Remove four (4) existing 12,000 tanks and replace with four (4) new 12,000 gallon double-wall ASTs on saddles.</li> <li>Degas the tanks to be removed.</li> <li>Disconnect all piping and electrical.</li> <li>Remove existing pumps.</li> <li>Dispose of the four (4) existing 12,000 gallon tanks and any associated materials not used in the installation of the new tanks in accordance with state requirements.</li> <li>Reconnect all fuel piping and electrical.</li> <li>Install new clock gauges and detection alarms.</li> <li>Install new remote spill containment equipment.</li> <li>Install new Veeder Root tank gauge system .</li> <li>Connect to existing Fuelmaster system.</li> <li>Test all system piping and alarms when tanks are refueled.</li> <li>All permits and state-required documentation</li></ul> <br /><b><u>NOTE</u></b><br />One (1) diesel and one (1) unleaded fuel tank will be replaced while one (1) diesel and one (1) unleaded fuel tank remain in service. When the first two tanks are installed, tested and complete and back in service then the remaining two tanks will be replaced.<br /> <br /><b>THIS IS A TOTAL LUMP SUM BID: TURN-KEY AND ALL-INCLUSIVE – ALL PERMITS, LICENSING, HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND ALL MATERIALS INCLUDING DISPOSAL OF THE OLD TANKS. </b>
10-Mar-2025 8:00:00 AM CDT |
01-May-2025 2:30:00 PM CDT |
St. Johns River Water Management District |
Districtwide Surveying Services
in the state of Florida, which has Professional Surveyors licensed in the state of Florida. The work to be performed under the agreement includes specific purpose surveys prepared in accordance with the Standards of Practice for Surveying and Mapping pursuant to Chapters 5J-17 and 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code.<br />Additionally, the District periodically has opportunities to acquire lands in order to manage, protect and preserve those lands for the residents of the State of Florida. To ensure fair and impartial land boundary dimensions, locations, and property sizes, the District has a need to contract with independent survey and mapping consultants to provide an unbiased determination of these land qualities. <br />Specific surveying services to be performed under this Agreement may include boundary, topographic, bathymetric, mean high water line determination, and subsurface utilities location.
07-Mar-2025 12:00:00 PM CST |
03-Apr-2025 1:00:00 PM CDT |
St. Johns River Water Management District |
Palm Bay Fleet Roof Replacement
The District’s Palm Bay Service Center Fleet building is located at 529 Community College Parkway in Palm Bay, Florida which is a part of the Palm Bay Service Center (located at 525 Community College Parkway S.E., Palm Bay, Florida 32909; refer to Exhibit 1). This location was opened in May 2000, housing the District's 20,000 square foot mechanical shop, which maintains many of the District’s vehicles and related motorized assets. The current roof is the original and is about 25 years old.<br /><br />The objective of this project is to remove, dispose and replace the original roof with a new structurally sound and watertight roof that is updated to the current code. This includes:<br />1. The removal and replacement of a 20,000 square foot Galvalume roof, with new materials and matching existing features;<br />2. The removal of seven existing exhaust fans;<br />3. The removal and replacement of a lightning protection system, with new materials; and<br />4. The installation of four new industrial high-volume low-speed (HVLS) fans.<br /><br />For additional information on this project refer to “Attachment A - Statement of Work”.<br /><br />The anticipated project completion date is September 30, 2025.<br /><br />The estimated project budget is $325,000.<br /><br />A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference (on-site) is scheduled for March 20, 2025, at 11:00 AM, at: <br />District Palm Bay Service Center<br />525 Community College Parkway<br />Palm Bay, FL 32909<br />The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to view the project area and to discuss the requirements of this solicitation. Participation is required to be eligible to submit a response to this solicitation.
06-Mar-2025 9:00:00 AM CST |
08-Apr-2025 1:00:00 PM CDT |
St. Johns River Water Management District |
The St. Johns River Water Management District headquarters (DHQ) is located at 4049 Reid Street, Palatka, FL 32177. The restrooms at the west end of the Administration Building are the original facilities and are showing significant signs of wear and tear, including deteriorated grout, tiles, and fixtures, all in need of replacement. The proposed project includes full renovation of the “Administration Building West” restrooms/showers. The anticipated project completion date is September 30, 2025.<br /><br />A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference (on-site) is scheduled for March 13, 2025 at 11:00 AM, at: District Headquarters, 4049 Reid Street, Palatka FL 32177<br />The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to view the project area and to discuss the requirements of this solicitation. Participation is required to be eligible to submit a response to this solicitation.<br /><br />The estimated project budget is $98,000.<br /><br />Exhibits accompanying this solicitation are as follows and are available upon signature of a District Standard Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement:<br />Exhibit 1: Enlarged Plan – Domestic Water<br />Exhibit 2: Enlarged Plan – Sanitary Waste<br />
04-Mar-2025 2:00:00 PM CST |
28-Mar-2025 1:00:00 PM CDT |
St. Johns River Water Management District |
THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE<br />ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT<br />Design, Permitting, and Construction Management Services<br />for c-10 water management area<br />Request for Qualifications 40988<br />The Governing Board of the St. Johns River Water Management District (the “District”) requests that interested parties respond to the solicitation below by 2:00 pm, Apr 17, 2025. Further information is available through DemandStar at, Central Bidding at, Vendor Registry at, MyFloridaMarketPlace at or the District’s website at Solicitation packages may be obtained from DemandStar, MyFloridaMarketPlace, Vendor Registry, Central Bidding, or the District by calling or emailing Kendall Matott, Contracts Manager, at (386) 312-2324 or
[email protected]. Responses will be opened in Conf Rm 147, Admin Bldg, Palatka HQ, 4049 Reid St, Palatka, FL 32177-2571.<br />Description of Services<br />The objective of this solicitation is to engage the professional services of an engineering firm to provide the design, permitting, and construction management and/or related services for the C-10 Water Management Area (WMA) project located in Brevard County, Florida. The project includes modifications to an existing, federal earthen embankment and construction of a new high hazard earthen dam and pump station.<br />Initially, the District undertook the design of C-10 WMA. However, due to staff changes and other considerations, the District is electing to contract with an engineering consultant to design and assume engineer of record responsibilities to complete the C-10 WMA design.<br />Non-Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference<br />A NON-MANDATORY PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULED FOR 1:00 P.M., MARCH 18, 2025, in Conf Rm 162, District HQ, 4049 Reid St, Palatka, FL 32177. Respondents attending the conference online (District uses Microsoft Teams) must forward an email request to
[email protected] at least 24 hours prior to the conference to receive an Outlook Teams invitation. The purpose of the pre-submittal conference is to review requirements of this solicitation and answer Respondent questions.<br />Request for Qualifications<br />The RFQ process includes the submission of a Qualifications Submittal that includes a letter of interest with information pertaining to Respondent’s qualifications. The information in the Qualifications Submittal shall include, but is not limited to: (1) evidence of current professional status; availability; capabilities; adequacy of personnel; experience; recent, current, and projected workloads; willingness to meet time and budget requirements; and whether the firm is a certified minority business as defined by the Florida Small and Minority Business Assistance Act; (2) approach to the project; ability to furnish the required professional services; (3) past contractual record and related experience; (4) location; and (5) volume of work previously awarded to the firm by the District.<br />The contract issued pursuant to this solicitation will expire on Sep 30, 2027, with the option to renew for one or more two-year terms. The budget for this Agreement is estimated to be $8.5 million. All work will be accomplished through the issuance of Work Orders. Respondent(s) should not have any expectation or promise as to the volume of work that may be accomplished pursuant to this solicitation.<br />A District Evaluation Committee (Committee) will review and evaluate Respondents’ qualifications. After evaluations are complete, the Committee will determine a shortlist of the most highly qualified Respondents. The shortlisted Respondents will provide oral presentations to the Committee and answer questions regarding their qualifications submittal, approach to the project, ability to furnish the required services, and provide additional information, if needed. Oral Presentations will be conducted in person with each Respondent being assigned a designated meeting time, established by lot. Oral presentations will be scored using the Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria. After oral presentations are completed, the Committee will select in order of preference no fewer than three firms deemed to be the most highly qualified and forward its recommendation to the District’s Governing Board and request that its rankings be approved, and negotiations commence with the highest-ranked Respondent. If negotiations fail with the highest-ranked Respondent, negotiations will proceed with the other Respondents in ranked order. Respondents selected as most qualified will be notified by email. This Solicitation is issued subject to the legal requirements established under Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act, §287.055, Fla. Stat.<br />The District will conduct the RFQ process as follows:<br />Date<br />Description<br />Mar 18, 2025, 1:00 pm<br />Non-Mandatory Pre-Submittal Conference – District HQ, Palatka, FL (Respondents may attend in person or via online via web conferencing).<br />Apr 17, 2025, 2:00 pm<br />Qualifications Submittals due<br />May 1, 2025, 2:00 pm<br />Committee meets to complete its review of the Submittals and to select no fewer than three firms of the most highly qualified respondents (District HQ, 4049 Reid St, Palatka, FL 32177, Conf Rm 147, Admin. Bldg.). One or more members of the Committee may participate through communications media technology, via phone or web conferencing.<br />May 2, 2025 (approx)<br />District Issues Notice of Intended Decision notifying Respondents of initial rankings and establishes a short-list of Respondents to provide oral presentations.<br />May 14, 2025, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm<br />Shortlisted Respondents will provide in person oral presentations and answer questions regarding qualifications submittals, approach to the project, ability to furnish the required services, and provide additional information, as needed (District HQ, 4049 Reid St, Palatka, FL 32177, Conf Rm 162, Exec Bldg). One or more members of the Committee may participate through communications media technology, via phone or web conferencing.<br />May 14, 2025, 4:00 pm<br />Evaluation Committee meets to complete its review of the Oral Presentations and will select not less than three Respondents deemed most highly qualified (District HQ, 4049 Reid St, Palatka, FL 32177, Conf Rm 162, Exec Bldg). One or more members of the Committee may participate via communications media technology through phone or web conferencing.<br />Jun 10, 2025<br />District Governing Board consideration to approve a ranking of designated firms and competitive negotiations be instituted.<br />Jun 11, 2025 (approx)<br />District enters negotiations with Respondents in ranked order<br />Americans with Disability Act (ADA)<br />The District does not discriminate on the basis of a disability in its services, programs, or activities. Special accommodations for disabilities may be requested through Kendall Matott, or by calling (800) 955-8771 (TTY), at least five business days before the date needed.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
03-Mar-2025 10:00:00 AM CST |
17-Apr-2025 1:00:00 PM CDT |
City of High Springs |
RFP 2025-03
The City of High Springs is requesting proposals from interested and qualified professionals to assist with the rewrite of its Land Development Code (LDC). The goal of the rewrite is to ensure the LDC supports sustainable growth, enhances urban and rural development, and promotes clarity, consistency, and ease of use for residents and staff. The selected consultant will be responsible for conducting a thorough review of the existing LDC, and developing a new code that aligns with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The work should focus on streamlining regulations, improving user-friendliness, promoting environmental sustainability, and ensuring that the code supports the community’s long-term vision for growth.<br /> <br />Please review all documents pertaining to RFP No. 2025-03 prior to submitting information. Documentation can be found by visiting<br /> <br />Official Bid Documents are available at Central Bidding ( Electronic Bids may be submitted at Central Bidding ( For questions related to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814. <br /> <br />RFP’s can be hand delivered, overnight mailed, or mailed to:<br />Bids must be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk by 3:00 pm, on April 1, 2025.<br /> <br />City of High Springs<br />Attention: City Clerk’s Office<br />23718 W US HWY 27<br />High Springs, FL32643<br /> <br /> <br />To be considered, the Firm or Individual must submit an original and three (3) copies of the RFP in a sealed envelope or package, clearly marked with the Firm’s or individual’s name and address, and the words “RFP No. 2025-03 Land Development Code Rewrite”.<br /> <br />RFP packet must be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk by 3:00 pm, on April 1, 2025.<br /> <br />Late submittals received after the aforementioned deadline date, either by mail or otherwise, will not be considered and will be returned unopened. THE TIME OF RECEIPT WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE TIME RECEIVED IN THE cITY OF HIGH SPRINGS CITY HALL—CITY CLERK’S OFFICE. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL FOR ASSURING THAT THE RFP IS RECEIVED BY THE DESIGNATED DATE. NO FAXED, ELECTRONIC, OR ORAL RFP WILL BE ACCEPTED.<br /> <br />The City reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all submissions, to accept all or any part of the submission, to waive irregularities and technicalities, and to request resubmission, if it is deemed in the best interest of the City.<br /> <br />RFP SCHEDULE<br /> <br />The City’s schedule (timetable) for this Solicitation is as follows:<br /> <br />Advertising……………………………………………… March 6th, 2025<br />Deadline for Questions………………………………….. March 20th, 2025<br />Proposal Due Date………………………………………. April 1st, 2025 @ 3:00 p.m.<br />Evaluation Committee Meeting…………………………. April 1st, 2025<br />City Commission Meeting………………………………. April 10th, 2025<br /> <br />ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTIONS<br /> <br />The City reserves the right to reject any or all submissions with or without cause; to waive any or all irregularities with regard to the specification and to select the Respondent offering the greatest benefit to the City. Questions, clarification, or further information regarding the RFP may be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office. The City reserves the right to delay or modify the above dates and timeline as needed.
02-Mar-2025 11:00:00 PM CST |
01-Apr-2025 2:00:00 PM CDT |
City of High Springs |
RFP 2025-04 Special Magistrate Services
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS<br />SPECIAL MAGISTRATE SERVICES<br /> <br />The City of High Springs is requesting proposals from interested and qualified Florida licensed attorneys to provide Special Magistrate Services in accordance with the City of High Springs Code of Ordinances and Florida Statutes Chapter 162, as a Special Magistrate. Specifications may be obtained at City Hall, City Clerk’s Office, 23718 W US HWY 27, High Springs, FL 32643 or on our website It is the intent of the City to procure a Special Magistrate for a contract term of two (2) years and will automatically renew on a yearly basis unless terminated by either party.<br /> <br />Qualification for the Special Magistrate are:<br />Be an active member in good standing of the Florida Bar with a minimum of five (5) years recent experience practicing law, which experience shall include litigation and administrative hearing experience.<br />Not be an employee of the city or hold any office with the city government, nor hold any other elective or appointive office in the county or state while serving as special magistrate.<br />Comply with the Code of Ethics of the State of Florida. <br />Please review all documents pertaining to RFP No. 2025-04 Special Magistrate Services prior to submitting information. Documentation can be found by visiting<br /> <br />Official Bid/RFP Documents are available at Central Bidding ( Electronic Bids may be submitted at Central Bidding ( For questions related to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-810-4814. <br /> <br />RFP/Bids can be hand delivered, overnight mailed, or mailed to:<br />Bids must be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk by 3:00 pm, on April 7, 2025.<br /> <br />City of High Springs<br />Attention: City Clerk’s Office<br />23718 W US HWY 27<br />High Springs, FL32643<br /> <br />To be considered, the Firm or Individual can submit an original and two (2) copies of the RFP in a sealed envelope or package, clearly marked with the Firm’s or individual’s name and address, and the words RFP No. “2025-04 Special Magistrate Services.”<br /> <br />Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to
[email protected].<br />RFP Packet must be submitted to the Office of the City Clerk by 3:00 pm, on April 7, 2025.<br /> <br /> <br />Late submittals received after the aforementioned deadline date, either by mail or otherwise, will not be considered and will be returned unopened. THE TIME OF RECEIPT WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE TIME RECEIVED IN THE cITY OF HIGH SPRINGS CITY HALL—CITY CLERK’S OFFICE. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL FOR ASSURING THAT THE RFP IS RECEIVED BY THE DESIGNATED DATE. NO FAXED, ELECTRONIC, OR ORAL RFP WILL BE ACCEPTED.<br /> <br />The City reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all submissions, to accept all or any part of the submission, to waive irregularities and technicalities, and to request resubmission, if it is deemed in the best interest of the City.<br /> <br />RFP SCHEDULE<br /> <br />The City’s schedule (timetable) for this Solicitation is as follows:<br /> <br />Advertising……………………………………………… (March 6, 2025)<br />Deadline for Questions…………………………………. (March 27, 2025)<br />Proposal Due Date………………………………………. (April 7, 2025 @ 3:00 p.m.)<br />Evaluation Committee Meeting…………………………. (April 24, 2025)<br />City Commission Meeting………………………………. (April 24, 2025)<br /> <br /> <br />ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTIONS<br /> <br />The City reserves the right to reject any or all submissions with or without cause; to waive any or all irregularities with regard to the specification and to select the Respondent offering the greatest benefit to the City. Questions, clarification, or further information regarding the RFP may be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office. The City reserves the right to delay or modify the above dates and timeline as needed.
02-Mar-2025 11:00:00 PM CST |
07-Apr-2025 2:00:00 PM CDT |
City of Pensacola |
Kayak Fishing Trail Access Uprgrades At Sanders Beach
The City of Pensacola is soliciting quotes for upgrades and overall revitalization of the Sanders Beach Park, boat ramp, and kayak launch areas. Unfortunately, the site suffered damage related to storms in recent years and needs some restoration. This project focuses on the installation of an accessible floating kayak launch, expanding access to a growing hobby to members of our community. Park goers will have the opportunity to learn more about the rich history of Sanders Beach and the surrounding neighborhood through informational kiosks placed in the park.<br /><br />This project increases accessibility to the other facilities at the park, including new restrooms, upgraded lighting for safety and visibility and shaded picnic and gathering areas that will entice community residents to enjoy the outdoors without wanting for shade. This project includes new bench seating for visitors to enjoy the views over Pensacola Bay. The boat ramp parking will be repaved and restriped with thermoplastic striping for safety and to aid traffic flow. Walkways will be improved for access where applicable.<br /><br />The installation of a new restroom facility will require appropriate utility coordination and upgrades to existing sanitary sewer, water, and electric infrastructure in the park. The restroom comes by truck preassembled and requires use of a crane to set in place.<br /><br />The contractor is responsible for providing the necessary erosion and sedimentation controls, as well as any MOT that may affect the flow of traffic in public ROW. Disturbed grass areas shall be covered with sod to match existing grass, and the sod shall be maintained by the contractor until the grass has become established. The contractor shall follow all product installation instructions given by the product manufacturers.<br />
26-Feb-2025 8:00:00 AM CST |
16-Apr-2025 2:30:00 PM CDT |